A wonder-filled boy with a gentle heart...
Your Pure, Contagious Love Touched Everyone
Nicholas, a handsome boy who brought joy to everyone around him, spoke only a few words, yet, he truly had no need for words at all. He spoke his own language. His bright eyes spoke volumes. With his unconditional love, he would take you by the hand and show you better than any words could ever tell. Nicholas’ love overflowed and one would never guess he suffered with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). His trademark greeting was a love-filled “Hi-Ya!”
Little Nicholas Tersigni was involved in a drowning accident in 2009 that left his family absolutely devastated. Nicholas's Festival is held annually and sought to raise money for organizations that were important to Nicholas’ life - There will be three chosen every year. Always having “Prader Willi Syndrome Association” and “Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital”. The third organization will be changed each year. (“Danbury Neo-Natal ICU” was the first year. “Autism Speaks” was the second.)
Is a rare genetic disorder related to an abnormality on the 15th chromosome. It causes low muscle tone, short stature and cognitive disabilities. The incidence on Prader-Willi Syndrome is between 1 in 25,000 and 1 in 10,000 live births.
Lara Tersigni (Nicholas's Mother)
Angel Tersigni (Nicholas's Father)
Steve Cottrell
Keira Cottrell
Lisa Coughlin
Darci Di Bari
Wendy Carilli
Mary Ann Di Bari
Jennifer Fratta
Kim Kelleher
Marie Hansen-Lund
Harold Lund
Brendan Moran
Pat Moran
Carla Murphy
Lisa Salisbury
Kristine Sasso
Jacqueline Scott
Chris Smith (Smitty)
Tina Starr
Joanna Vitale
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The Nicholas Tersigni Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a Non-Profit 501(c)3. We will create a legacy in Nicholas’ name as we spread awareness and search for a cure for Prader-Willi Syndrome by supporting organizations and hospitals that assist in this ongoing effort. In addition, a portion of the proceeds will also support Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York - Presbyterian, Columbia University Medical Center to benefit countless children with special needs in support of living a healthy life.
The Nicholas Tersigni Memorial Foundation, Inc.